RePost: Internet Search Of My Name To Find Other Posts About Me

I search my name once in a while to see if Toxic Adult Bullies made another site, or posted other info about me. I usually find stuff once in a while and this is how I found everything else. It is a good thing I do!! … Continue reading >RePost: Internet Search Of My Name To Find Other Posts About Me

Share: Psychology Today: What Motivates People To Gaslight

As it says "Sharpening this intuition could literally save your life". Once I understood that they were manipulating the facts with outright lies and monologing I became more confident and self-assured that this was what they were doing. They were twisting the facts and attempting to make it something it wasn't. … Continue reading >Share: Psychology Today: What Motivates People To Gaslight

Toxic Tenants Live In The Past

I have been dealing with a challenging situation recently, as the toxic tenants who created a smear campaign in my name since 2016 have resurfaced once again. Despite my efforts to maintain a positive outlook, their return of to the same free nameservers with Hostinger International has presented a new set of challenges. … Continue reading >Toxic Tenants Live In The Past

Ignoring Cyberbullying is Hard But Not Impossible!

In conclusion, the battle against cyberbullying is a difficult and complex one. It's not just about ignoring hurtful words or blocking toxic individuals - it's about standing up for yourself and refusing to be silenced. But with resilience, courage, and faith, you can overcome the darkness and emerge stronger on the other side. … Continue reading >Ignoring Cyberbullying is Hard But Not Impossible!

Share: Psychology Today- The Power of Hate and Its Consequences

If someone hates you, they will go out of their way to create more reasons to perpetuate that hate. So I could be the nicest person in the world, but toxic tenants would never acknowledge any of that, as they ONLY want things to hate me over. … Continue reading >Share: Psychology Today- The Power of Hate and Its Consequences

The Many Traits Of Narcissistic Adults Who Bully!

After enduring toxic tenants, the author has meticulously identified narcissistic traits, concluding that self-awareness is key to safeguarding mental health against such individuals. Recognizing these traits helps avoid engagement and diminishes the negative effects on one's well-being. … Continue reading >The Many Traits Of Narcissistic Adults Who Bully!

Clear Signs Of Toxicity From Adult Bullies

In 2019, the author faced toxic tenants who admitted to creating defamatory online content. Feeling vindicated by their confession, the author experienced relief and a sense of empowerment. Despite efforts to resolve issues empathetically, the tenants attempted to manipulate the situation further. Years later, the author still struggles with ongoing defamation, highlighting the lasting impact of cyberbullying and the importance of holding individuals accountable. … Continue reading >Clear Signs Of Toxicity From Adult Bullies