Toxic Adult Bullies: Admit to Guilt of Bullying

It is articles like the one below that I read online that helped me to understand what was going on during such a confusing time. While I can read and understand these things, when you are in the throws of it, it is hard to grasp and follow. … Continue reading >Toxic Adult Bullies: Admit to Guilt of Bullying

Stella Reddy’s Recovery from Toxic Adult Bullies Psychological Abuse

As Maya Angelou says, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”  I am healing, slowly but surely. I am having better and better days! Toxic Adult Bullies has truly shown who he really is. His actions speak louder than his words ever could! … Continue reading >Stella Reddy’s Recovery from Toxic Adult Bullies Psychological Abuse

Identity Theft & Smear Campaigns Online

I knew since the beginning from all my reading over the years on privacy, that the info shared within these domains is enough that someone could try to use it to commit fraud in my name and the Toronto Police were aware of it too, but until something was done, there was nothing they could do. Now it has happened and we will see if KR & AR are held accountable.  … Continue reading >Identity Theft & Smear Campaigns Online

YouTube Videos on Narcissistic Abuse and Gaslighting

I am so happy to see so much information getting online on Narcissistic Abuse, like what I have experienced. It is so important to learn so you can protect yourself from people like this so it won't happen to you ever again. The more you know, the better informed you are, the better you can choose for yourself what you need to be happy. … Continue reading >YouTube Videos on Narcissistic Abuse and Gaslighting

Human Rights: Another Reply By Toxic Adult Bullies Sept 2018

KR & AR Human Rights Response from Sept 2018 that is filled with more allegations of misconduct by Stella Reddy they couldn't prove. Innuendo and manipulation is not proof. Smear Campaign at its worst! … Continue reading >Human Rights: Another Reply By Toxic Adult Bullies Sept 2018