Video: Signs You Have Deep Emotional Scars of Narcissistic Abuse

In this video, we uncover the strange signs that show you might have deep emotional scars from narcissistic abuse. If you've ever felt confused or wondered why you react a certain way, this video will help you understand. … Continue reading >Video: Signs You Have Deep Emotional Scars of Narcissistic Abuse

Toxic Adult Bullies: Admit to Guilt of Bullying

It is articles like the one below that I read online that helped me to understand what was going on during such a confusing time. While I can read and understand these things, when you are in the throws of it, it is hard to grasp and follow. … Continue reading >Toxic Adult Bullies: Admit to Guilt of Bullying

Stella Reddy’s Recovery from Toxic Adult Bullies Psychological Abuse

As Maya Angelou says, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”  I am healing, slowly but surely. I am having better and better days! Toxic Adult Bullies has truly shown who he really is. His actions speak louder than his words ever could! … Continue reading >Stella Reddy’s Recovery from Toxic Adult Bullies Psychological Abuse