March 27, 2024 Ramblings!!

So I chose to rest today and save my energy for the Mary Walsh Show this evening! I am so excited!! I have been looking forward to this show as I know it will be a laugh from beginning to end! There is nothing like a Date Night with your hubby! These are the memories we need to focus on! … Continue reading >March 27, 2024 Ramblings!!

When Shame Outweights Integrity

"If a person's shame outweighs their integrity, they will continue to do shameful things, and continue to increase their shame and decrease their integrity. If a person chooses integrity even in the face of shame, they will feel better. Their shame will lessen. They will continue to make choices out of integrity and their shame will continue to diminish." By Doe Zantamata … Continue reading >When Shame Outweights Integrity

Share: Psychology Today: What Motivates People To Gaslight

As it says "Sharpening this intuition could literally save your life". Once I understood that they were manipulating the facts with outright lies and monologing I became more confident and self-assured that this was what they were doing. They were twisting the facts and attempting to make it something it wasn't. … Continue reading >Share: Psychology Today: What Motivates People To Gaslight