Some Of My Joyful Moments…Share: Gord Follett Photography

Today, the writer expresses admiration for professional photographer Gord Follett, who captures stunning scenes of Newfoundland and Labrador. The writer, who cannot physically visit these places, finds joy in imagining themselves in the beautiful vistas. Follett’s photography, available for purchase as prints and calendars, can be further explored through his Facebook page and website. The writer shares several photos, evoking the beauty of Newfoundland’s winter landscapes. … Continue reading >Some Of My Joyful Moments…Share: Gord Follett Photography

The Narcissistic Phenomenon: Unveiling Toxic Traits and Dominant Opinions

Narcissistic traits, including a belief in one’s superiority and a lack of empathy, can lead to toxic behavior such as self-validation and silencing diverse opinions. This post explores the consequences of narcissism, such as exploitation, entitlement, damaged relationships, and hindered personal growth. It emphasizes the importance of fostering environments that promote inclusivity, empathy, and respect for differing views to counteract narcissism and encourage intellectual enrichment and communal harmony. … Continue reading >The Narcissistic Phenomenon: Unveiling Toxic Traits and Dominant Opinions

What My Education Taught Me About Using Emotionally Charged Language

The author argues that emotionally charged language and personal bias on websites like undermines credibility and objectivity, citing a lack of impartial evidence and reliance on sensationalism. Emotive wording and accusations without proof, like branding someone a “compulsive liar,” compromise the integrity of the content. … Continue reading >What My Education Taught Me About Using Emotionally Charged Language

Why Smear Campaigns Can Make the Victim Feel So Terrible

Victims of smear campaigns suffer severe emotional impact, including loss of reputation, isolation, and mental health issues. Constructive responses include addressing rumors, gathering allies and evidence, and maintaining professionalism. Prioritizing personal narrative and wellness aids in recovery while legal advice may offer remedy. These strategies help victims regain control and move forward. … Continue reading >Why Smear Campaigns Can Make the Victim Feel So Terrible

Cyberbullying Laws Of Canada

Cyberbullying in Canada affects adults through unauthorized image/video sharing, online harassment, threats, shaming, impersonation, and trolling, impacting mental health and reputation. The Criminal Code addresses these actions indirectly through provisions against harassment, threats, mischief in relation to data, unauthorized computer use, identity fraud, child pornography, and more. Victims are urged to seek support and legal avenues. … Continue reading >Cyberbullying Laws Of Canada

February 8, 2023 Ramblings

Feeling anxious, the individual awaits a spine surgeon appointment to potentially alleviate chronic nerve pain caused by spinal stenosis. Previous consultation for knee replacement was denied due to spine issues and alternative therapies were deemed ineffective. With diminishing medication efficacy, they hold onto hope for a solution to manage their pain and look forward to learning their treatment options. … Continue reading >February 8, 2023 Ramblings

“Warrior” By Fearless Soul

The writer expresses a deep connection to Fearless Soul’s music, finding it empowering and resonant, inspiring them to overcome life’s challenges. They reflect on personal growth and a shift towards appreciating simple pleasures, having fulfilled roles as a parent and partner. Now, they seek to enjoy life’s simplicity and explore Newfoundland and Labrador, prioritizing mental health and avoiding drama. … Continue reading >“Warrior” By Fearless Soul