Tips On How To File A Complaint About a Website’s Content

If you are being terrorized by the content of a website online, I hope you find these tips helpful! I’ve been doing this for almost 6 years, since I found the first website containing my name in December 2017. Due … Continue reading >Tips On How To File A Complaint About a Website’s Content

Positive Growth Mindset Tips for the Aging Brain

I found this article very informative as it shows that keeping your mind active by reading and learning new things helps with cognitive decline. So, please, keep learning new things!! I always believed that a person’s abilities can improve over … Continue reading >Positive Growth Mindset Tips for the Aging Brain

Sept 23, 2023 Ramblings : Shame Is The Lie Someone Told You About Yourself.

Shame is the lie someone told you about yourself. Who told you to be ashamed of yourself?Who told you that there is something innately wrong with you?Who told you that you are wrong for the way you are? A society … Continue reading >Sept 23, 2023 Ramblings : Shame Is The Lie Someone Told You About Yourself.